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Q: What are three ways to fight viruses?
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What are three ways that antibodies help fight infections?

1. agglutination of particulate matter, including bacteria and viruses, 2. opsonisation or coating over bacteria to facilitate recognition and phagocytosis by the phagocytes and 3. neutralization of toxins released by bacteria.

What does the body make to fight viruses?

Body has got immune system. This immune system or the body immunity forms the antibodies to fight the viruses. The immunity against the viruses is usually life long.

How some viruses are helpful?

- some viruses can be used in biological weapons- some viruses are used in the fight against pests

Does penicillin fight some viruses?


What all does our body's fight viruses with?


What causes viruses to die or be killed?

Your white blood cells, they fight off infections and viruses.

What system gets rid of bacteria and viruses?

The organs of the immune system fight viruses and bacteria.

Why do antibodies work to kill bacteria but not viruses?

bacteria is complit cell or contain cellular material hence specific antibody riquar as compair to virus is difrance

What are the three organelles that are not found in viruses?

No organells are found in viruses.

How do white blood cells fight viruses?

by using microbes white blood cells fight

What ways are viruses classified?

Certain poos

What are some ways viruses are helpful?

they can kill you