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1) Oral phase - mastication of food; elevation of the soft palate 2) Pharyngeal phase - closure of the epiglottis; temporary cessation of respiration

3) Esophageal phase - opening of upper and lower esophageal sphincters

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12y ago

From what I know, it it physical digestion, chemical digestion and then egestion. Physical digestion begins in the mouth, it's where the food is chewed with the teeth (molars and incisors mainly) and the tongue aids digestion by forming the food into a bolus (ball of food held together with saliva). Amalyse (an enzyme used to break down carbohydrates) is also present in your saliva, and that starts reacting.

Chemical digestion is where it goes through your stomach - it turns into chyme ( a liquid, acidic substance), goes into your large and small intestines, mixes with bile, the nutrients get absorbed and water gets absorbed out.

Egestion is excretion - the body excretes the waste matter it does not need or was not able to absorb/digest through the rectum and anus. In humans, it's generally excess protein, fats and other minerals but in other animals, it could be calcium (eg some carnivourous lizards can't digest bones, so it gets excreted out).

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13y ago

1. Buccal phase

2. Pharyngeal-esophageal phase

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14y ago

The Cephalic Phase, The Gastric Phase and The Intestinal Phase.

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Q: What are three phases of swallowing process?
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Two phases of swallowing?

There are actually three phases of swallowing and not two as the question asks. The three phases of swallowing includes: the oral phase, the Pharyngeal Phase, and the Esophageal Phase.

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