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nothing causes them. you cause any disease given to you. truly, your the reasoning behind any sickness, illness, or disease that you "catch" or receive. some diseases are contagious, many are not. if you catch a contagious sickness its not your fault, but otherwise it is. this is still partly your fault for hanging around sick or ill people. if your child or parent, gets a contagious sickness, its their fault and no one elses. they are responsible for what ever happens to them.

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11y ago
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10y ago

Diseases like the common cold, strep throat or mononucleosis are caused by bacteria or viruses that can spread from person to person, meaning they are COMMUNICABLE.

Noncommunicable diseases are thing like Diabetes, obesity or cancer. You can not get diabetes by holding someones hand if they have it.

ANSWER: Some causes of noncommunicable diseases are genes, poor diet and exercise, and smoking tobacco products.

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14y ago

Groups might include deficiency diseases, such as scurvy (lack of vitamin C in diet) genetic diseases, such as sickle cell anemia (inherited the gene), and environmental disease, such as silicosis (caused by breathing silica dust).

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12y ago

Poor lifestyle choices such as smoking or Alcoholism. Spontaneous mutations in the body. Radiation and uv light. High fat diet, a diet lacking in fiber, high in salted or smoke foods. There are also genetic characteristics such as familial history.

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14y ago

poor choices on lifestlye likes drugs,alcohol,etc.

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13y ago

Poor health choices or dangerous activeties.

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9y ago

Three factors that cause non-communicable diseases are diet and lifestyle related. They can be caused by an unhealthy diet, or by a lack of exercise. They can also be caused by stress alone.

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12y ago

deficency dieseases

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