

Best Answer

1) down's syndrome
2) turner syndrome
3) jacob's syndrome

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Q: What are three disorders caused by missing or extra chromosomes?
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Related questions

What type of disorders are karyotyping used to diagnose?

Chromosomal disorders can be observed in a human karyotype. It can show whether there are extra chromosomes, or missing chromosomes, or malformed chromosomes, or whether chromosomes have extra pieces, or missing pieces.

What clues to the presence of certain genetic disorders can be seen in a karyotypes?

-Extra, missing or damaged chromosomes could show the presence of genetic disorders.

What chromosomes do you get an extra copy for in humans that results in Down syndrome?

Down Syndrome is caused by a triplication of the 21st chromosome.

When a child is born with extra or missing chromosomes?

Mental Retardation.

What is the diagnostic tool that reveals missing or extra chromosomes and some structural changes in an individual's chromosomes?


What is a genetic disorder that cannot be detected by karyotyping?

Karyotyping looks at the complete set of chromosomes. It can detect large-scale abnormalities, such as missing/extra chromosomes or whether large pieces of chromosomes have been rearranged. It cannot detect any of the many, many genetic disorders which are caused by a single gene, several genes or gene interactions. Examples of these would be cystic fibrosis, sickle-cell disease and dwarfism.

Is cleft lip due to a lack if chromosomes or extra chromosomes?

No , it is caused by a single gene mutation .

What are the common example of aneuploiy?

aneuploidy.Aneuploidy is an abnormal number of chromosomes, and is a type of chromosome abnormality. An extra or missing chromosome is a common cause of genetic disorders (birth defects).Some genetic disorders are polycystic kidney disease / sickle cell anemia / hemophilia.This comes from wikipedia

The failure of replicated chromosomes to separate is called?

The failure of replicated chromosomes to separate is called nondisjunction. This will cause extra or missing chromosomes in the daughter cells.

Whether each and every human cell posses 46 chromosomes?

no, normally humans do have 46, but certain mutations or genetic disorders can result in more, less, or fused chromosomes. the most common example of missing chromosomes is down's syndrome. when someone has an extra chromosome(s) it's called polyploidy. i can't tell you too much about fused chromosomes.

Which term is defined as all the genes in a person's twenty-three pairs of chromosomes?

Humans without a disorder will have 23 pairs of chromosomes. However, there are many disorders caused by different numbers of chromosomes. For example, Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) is a disorder caused by the presence of an extra chromosome 21.

Does cystic fibrosis have extra chromosomes?

No cystic fibrosis is caused by a mutated CFTR gene.