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See related links for various unique uses for honey.

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Q: What are the uses of honey?
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Related questions

What are honeybees used for?

Making honey. If you buy a jar of honey in a supermarket, it has been produced by honey bees.The uses for honey bees are to produce honey

Why do bees have honey stomachs?

A bee uses its honey stomach to add various enzymes to the nectar that it has collected from flowers and turn it into honey.

What wildlife uses the dandelion and how is it used?

a bee uses the plant for polination and of course to make honey

What African tribe uses the honey finder bird?

The Masi

What are some uses for a hexagon?

Bees use it to store honey.

What are the uses of a honeybee?

* pollination * makes honey * collects pollen

What do humans use honey for?

A source of sugars and 'yummy goodness'. See related links for some interesting uses for honey.

How does the queen bee fix her hair?

She uses a honey comb. LOLOLOLOLOL

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Honey Joyce Corot is boang/crazy

What is Uses of computers in communication and transportation?

yo yo honey singh

What is that anime when the guy uses a girl for her body or something or maybe it waz a OVA?

You must be refering to Honey x Honey Drops.

What is the average amount of honey a human uses?

2 teaspoons a week is normal