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The Negative feedback System & the Positive Feedback System are the two types of Homeostasis

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Q: What are the two types of homeostasis?
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Give two examples of homeostasis:?

Sweating and shivering

What are two systems that help a dog like a aardwolf or hyena maintain homeostasis?

Anal fail videos help them to maintain homeostasis.

What are two human body systems which often work together to maintain homeostasis?

The Nervous System and the Endocrine System are the two body systems that regulate homeostasis.

How does system help the maintain homeostasis?

There are two ways that the respiratory system maintain homeostasis. These are through gas exchange and regulation of blood pH.

How do the two system help maintain homeostasis?

homeostasis- balance of two systems to work together to improve or advance an orginism. we get hot so we sweat to replace lost fluids. two systems working together

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Cell type found in nervous tissue?

There two types of cells found in nervous tissue. These two types of cells include: neurons and neuroglial cells.

How To maintain homeostasis?

This is a very broad question since there are many different types of homeostasis. It is possible to maintain a constant temperature, or a constant location, or a constant pH, or a constant velocity, or a constant luminosity, etc. etc. Without knowing what parameter you are concerned about, there is no point in describing a method of obtaining homeostasis.

The restoration of homeostasis after an injury involves two related processes?

necrosis and fibrous