Spiders do not have bones. They are arthropods, their soft tissues are contained inside a hard external coating called an exoskeleton.
Undigested food, mucus dead body tissues and toxins
acts as support for tissues and muscle inside our body.
Blood vessels that carry blood towards the body tissues are called arteries.
Cartlage is the tissue in your body.
Tissues that serve a connecting function are called connective tissues. They provide support, structure, and cushioning to the body and are found throughout the body in various forms like tendons, ligaments, adipose tissue, and bone.
This is called an organ.
The chemical inside the cell that oxygen is attached to is called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells that binds to oxygen in the lungs and carries it to tissues throughout the body.
X-rays can penetrate the body and are absorbed differently by different tissues. Dense tissues like bones absorb more x-rays and appear white on the image, while softer tissues absorb fewer x-rays and appear gray. This contrast helps to visualize internal structures like bones, organs, and foreign objects inside the body.
ATP molecules
Tissue boxA group of tissues is an organ. Your body has many organs including: the heart, lungs, your skin and liver.