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- Satisfaction - (mentally and emotionally) ( we as humans need communication to stay alive.)

- Voids that feeling of being alone that usually leads to depression if not self destruction, low self esteem and or cowardly acts like suicide. Loneliness is not a joke.

- We need communication to learn and grow. A bookworm is not necessarily the smartest person in the world. The best things are in life learnt through day-day experiences (either yours or someone elses) We need challenge, change, reason, choice. i hope i could help

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Q: What are the three needs that are met through communication?
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How does communication support service users by promoting equality and diversity?

you can promote equality through communication by ensuring that opportunities are open to everyone regardless of ability you can support diverse groups through communication by ensuring that everyone understands and needs are met

What is a physical need?

A physical need includes food, water, clothing, and shelter. Physical needs are those needs that are met through physical objects.

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how are individuals need are met

What happens if physical needs are not met?

if physical needs are not met people will die because phyiscal needs are things people need to survive.

What role does communication play in ensuring that customer needs expectations and priorities are met and information is provided to them in an appropriate way?

It plays a great role because communications the only way in which one can know what customer really needs. Without communication it will be a bit difficult to stand up to the satisfactions mark of the customers. So customers should always be in touch and for this communication is just necessary .

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Where is the first place most babies get all their basic needs met?

In the womb, before they are born, and their needs are met by their mother. Her body provides them with all their needs.

What are the verious needs which are satisfied through work?

Work fulfills the security needs of the person. Security in a sense that when he has work, he assures himself of the availability of resources and finanacial stability to live everyday and ensure physiological needs are met.

How do needs cause conflict?

Needs can lead to conflict when individuals or groups have competing interests or desires, creating a situation where resources or opportunities are limited. When people feel that their needs are not being met, they may become frustrated, leading to tension and potentially escalating into conflict as they seek to address their needs. Additionally, misunderstandings or lack of communication about needs can also contribute to conflict.

Tell me about a time when you met the needs of a client who did not make it clear what he wanted?

Tell me about a time when you met the needs of a client who did not make it clear what he wanted"

According to Abraham Maslows hierarchy which needs must be met first?

In Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, the needs that must be met first are the physiological needs, such as breathing, eating, sleeping, sex, homeostasis and excretion. Once these needs are met, then man can focus on needs of "safety" and so on and so forth until a man can focus on Self-Actualization.

What is the definition of alderfers erg theory?

erg theory basically grouped man's needs into three broad categories namely existence needs, relatedness needs and growth needs where the theory emphasizes the flexibility of achievement to be regressive in that needs that were initially not fully met can be returned to unlike in the caase of Maslow.