1. Inter-sexual menstrual cramps
2. Premature ejaculation, in some circumstances can cause hemorrhaging of the scrotum and surrounding tissue and in rare cases the testicles themselves may erupt or, using a broader term, explode.
3. The Rancor
Heart disease, cancer, and stroke are the three leading causes of death in the state of California.
couse of eating and sadness
couse of eating and sadness
The top three causes of death in America are heart disease, cancer, and strokes.
Lupus is rarely listed as the cause of death on a death certificate. People die of lupus related complications with the three leading causes being kidney failure, uncontrolled infection and cardiovascular events.
Accidents, Homicide, Suicide.
The three leading causes of brain injury are:Falls (28%);Motor vehicle-traffic crashes (20%);Struck by/against events (19%);
birth death migration/emigration
AIDS Respiratory infections Heart disease
obisity, smoking and
A bacteria carried by fleas on black rats attacked various systems of the body, causing death. There were three types of BD so various systems were attacked as a result.