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Q: What are the three advantages of maintaining a correct posture?
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What are three possible functions of muscle tissue?

Producing movement, maintaining posture, stabilizing joints, generating heat

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Correct posture, regular eye tests, a short rest every hour.

When you run to catch a ball your movements are planned and controlled from what part of the brain?

When you run to catch a ball, the movements are planned and controlled by the cerebellum. The cerebellum is responsible for coordinating smooth and precise movements, such as those required for running and catching a ball.

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Maintaining has three syllables.

What are three advantages and three disadvantages of meiosis?

advantages= you get to have fun doing it :}

Which three body systems benefit from good posture?

Good posture benefits the musculoskeletal system by promoting proper alignment and reducing strain on muscles and joints. It also benefits the respiratory system by allowing for full expansion of the lungs and facilitating efficient breathing. Additionally, good posture benefits the digestive system by allowing for proper alignment of organs and optimal function.

How would one increase their height?

If you do not want to use drugs to increase your height the use of stretching exercises is one recommendation. Either Pilates or Yoga will help to correct posture and that should result in an increase of two or three inches in height.

What are the three part of dunning's eclectic theory?

The three parts of Dunning's eclectic theory are ownership-specific advantages (OSA), location-specific advantages (LSA), and internalization advantages (IA). OSA refer to unique resources or capabilities that a company possesses, LSA are advantages linked to a particular foreign location, and IA involve the benefits of internalizing foreign operations rather than relying on external partners.

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The correct spelling is "forty-three."

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"Try saying three tall trees" is correct.

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9 is the correct answer