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When you exhale the diaghphram moves up and in and this proccess squeezes the air out of the lungs

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Q: What are the steps of when you exhale?
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When you exhale you breathe?

When you exhale you breath out.

How do fish exhale?

They exhale through the mouth.

What is the path taken as you exhale?

Exhale co .2

What do you remove when you exhale?

You remove carbon dioxide when you exhale.

When was Inhale Exhale created?

Inhale Exhale was formed in 2005 in Canton, Ohio.

What is the past tense of exhale?

The past tense of exhale is exhaled.

When you exhale does your diaphragm lower?

The diaphragm moves up when you exhale.

What take place when you and exhale?

take place when you inhale and exhale?

What takes place when you exhale?

take place when you inhale and exhale?

How do you put exhale in a sentence?

I'm still waiting to exhale.

What takes when you inhale and exhale?

take place when you inhale and exhale?

What takes place you inhale and exhale?

what takes when you inhale and exhale