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The stages go from fertilisation (when the egg is fertilised), to an embryo, then the sex of the baby is decided. Occasionally two eggs are fertilised, which creates twins. Rarely, one embryo splits into two and both cells develop separately, as identical twins, similar in appearance. The journey along the Fallopian tube continues slowly for about four days. Growth increases. The uterus is forming a spongy lining within which the embryo will implant. To achieve this the embryo burrows into the wall of the womb and is covered over by the lining of the womb. This begins 6 days after fertilisation and is completed within the next 7 days. This is all in the first month. The baby keeps on developing until conception, which is usually in or after the 9th month. Its hands, eyes and ears start developing properly and it becomes sensitive to sound and responsive to touch. Around 8 weeks, the embryo becomes a foetus and at 9 weeks, it can bend its hand around an object. At 12 weeks he can close his fingers and thumb and he will open his mouth in response to pressure applied at the base of his thumb. The senses continue to develop until the 9th month, when the baby is born.

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The 3 stages of human development are germinal stage, embryonic stage, and fetal stage. The average length of human development is 38 weeks from the date of conception.

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zygote to embryo to foetus and finally baby

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Q: What are the stages of human development before birth?
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What is a developing human being before birth called?

A developing human being before birth is typically referred to as an embryo in the early stages of development (up to 8 weeks) and then as a fetus from around 9 weeks until birth.

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There are typically 8 stages of human development according to psychologist Erik Erikson, spanning from infancy to old age.

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The different stages of human development are -{1} Infant {2} child hood {3} young {4} old age.

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Embryology is the study of the development of embryos from fertilization to birth. An example of embryology is the formation of a human embryo from a single fertilized egg, through stages such as gastrulation, neurulation, and organogenesis, leading to the birth of a baby.

What are the developmental stages that a human undergoes between fertilization and birth?

The developmental stages a human undergoes between fertilization and birth include: zygote, blastocyst, embryo, and fetus. During these stages, the fertilized egg undergoes cell division, implantation into the uterus, organ formation, and growth. By the end of the fetal stage, the developing human is ready for birth.

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There are several theories of human development. Freud felt that the human went through distinct stages of mental and emotional development. Erik Erikson's human development theory is one of the most popular models.

Where does the human embryo develop?

The human embryo develops in the uterus, where it implants in the lining and receives nutrients and support for growth and development. Throughout the various stages of development, the embryo forms different structures and organs before eventually maturing into a fetus.

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Studying human development can be important for several reasons. You can learn about yourself, find out what is normal, learn about the development stages of your children, and find out how to interact with your kids.

What are the Stages of human development after birth?

The stages of human development after birth are infancy (0-2 years), early childhood (2-6 years), middle childhood (6-12 years), adolescence (12-18 years), young adulthood (18-40 years), middle adulthood (40-65 years), and late adulthood (65+ years). Each stage is characterized by specific physical, cognitive, and social-emotional changes.

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The stages of human development are typically categorized as infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. These stages are characterized by physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes that occur as individuals grow and mature. Each stage presents unique challenges and milestones that contribute to an individual's overall development.