Otoliths are densly packed mineral crystals that rest atop the maculae in the utricle and saccule of the inner ear. They play a crucial role in detecting linear acceleration and gravity, helping the brain with balance and spatial orientation.
The hair cells of the utricle and saccule are clustered in structures called maculae. These maculae are specialized sensory regions within the inner ear that detect changes in head position and linear acceleration. The hair cells within the maculae are essential for signaling information related to balance and spatial orientation to the brain.
Small crystals are called microcrystals. These tiny structures are often too small to be seen or examined without the aid of a microscope.
Intrusive rock normally has visible crystals. Extrusive igneous rock has small crystals. A black extrusive igneous rock with small crystals could be basalt.
otoliths and vestibular nerve
Since basalt is extrusive it cools quickly and forms small crystals.
Igneous rocks can have both small and large crystals, depending on how quickly they cool. If an igneous rock cools slowly beneath the Earth's surface, it can form large crystals, while rapid cooling at the Earth's surface or in an eruption can result in small or no visible crystals.
use your dragon to burn the crystals found around the region.
Pumice does not have crystals. It is made of glass.
Andesite is an Igneous Rock. It has small crystals because it cooled quickly d;D
Utricle in vestible and saccule in vestibule.