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When you feel your sense of responsibility increasing and your sense of freedom plummeting.

When you will sit in front of the TV and watch hours of crap because you know if you do something you find remotely interesting will result in a guilt trip.

When you try not to cry at another conversation being about shampoo

When you look out the window and see homeless people and think "lucky git!"

When you realise you no longer have any underwear that's not somehow "vanished" that your other half didn't buy.

Most importantly.. When other woman start to hit on you. I swear they can smell it.

Only then will you know your in a relationship

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Q: What are the signs of dating turning into a relationship?
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* Don't chase her. Start going out with your friends and dating other girls. If she really does care for you and sees you dating then she may well pursue you.

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It's like how your relationship is going or if you are dating or not.

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Platonic in a sentence?

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