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the sinoatrial (SA) node is the "pacemaker" of the heart-it is the first stucture that makes up the conduction system of the heart-the system of electrical impulses that are discharged throughout the heart and cause rhythmic cardiac contractions and relaxations. impulse conduction starts in the SA node, causing the atria to contract, then goes to the atrioventricular (AV) node, the bundle of His, and then to the pukinje fibers which cause the ventricles to contract.

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Q: What are the roles of the sino atrial nodes?
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What is another name for SA nodes of the heart?

Sino atrial node

What is sinus arrest?

When the Sino-atrial node fails momentarily to initiate an impulse, sinus arrest occurs. When the sino-atrial node fails momentarily to initiate an impulse, sinus arrest occurs.

What chanber of the heart contains the sino atrial node?

Right atrium

Heart excitation originates in the?

Heart excitation originates in the sino-atrial node.

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How does the heart control it's beat?

stimulation from the Sino Atrial node: SA node

What does the medical abbreviation SA mean?

SA means sino-atrial in medical terminology.

How does control of the heart beat occur?

the Sino Atrial Node (SA Node) is the pace maker of the heart that receives singles from the brain.

What does a series of P waves before the appearance of R waves mean on an EKG?

It represents the energy from the heart starting in the Sino-atrial node.

What are the 2 roles of nodes in I2C communication?

Two roles of nodes in I2C communication are: master and slave.Master node - node that generates the clock and initiates communication with slavesSlave node - node that receives the clock and responds when addressed by the master

What is the specialized region at the cardiac muscle that makes sure the heart never skips a beat?

cardiac cycle The sino-atrial node, otherwise known as the pacemaker.

What portion of the cardiac conduction system has the fastest intrinsic rate?

The sinoatrial (SA) node has the fastest intrinsic rate in the cardiac conduction system, typically firing at a rate of 60-100 beats per minute in a healthy heart. It serves as the primary pacemaker of the heart, initiating each heartbeat by generating electrical impulses.