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Q: What are the receptors for bright light vision called?
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How do rods and cones differ functionally?

Rods: dim light and peripheral vision receptors, more sensitive to light Cones: operate in bright light and provide high acuity color vision

The dim light receptors are the?

rods are our or dim light and peripheral vision receptors

What is the part of the eye that contains light receptors?

Cells in the the retina called cones (for colour perception and in greatest numbers in the macula) and rods (for black and white).

Which part of the retina rods or cones help us to see low light darkness?

upon retina photo receptors called rods and cones are present.rod cells help in dim light vision.cone cells help in bright light and coloured vision.

What is the eye problem called vampire vision?

It is when you are senitive to bright light making your pupils become very small as they absorb too much of the light. The eyes water and burn slightly when in bright light

What are light sensitive cells that respond to dim light?

rods are our or dim light and peripheral vision receptors

What are the receptors in the eye?

You have rod cells and cone cells as receptors in your eye. Rods are for intensity of the light. Cone cells are for color vision.

How you see light?

You see light when your vision receptors take in the electromagnetic wavelengths and your brain processes the light, as well as color.

What houses light sensitive cells?

Aside from eyes, which contain rods for black and white vision and coves for color vision, the light receptors are filled with an pigment/enzyme called rhodopsin, which is light sensitive somewhat in the manner of chlorophyll.

Should a resident should sit facing a bright light?

Should a resident with poor vision should sit facing a bright light

What is vampire vision?

vampire vision is the vision that vampires have.

Which part of the eye becomes narrower in bright light?

The pupil narrows in bright light to restrict the amount of light coming in. In low light conditions it will enlarge to allow more light in for greater vision.