Basically, when you are healthy, you have more energy. This makes you less lazy which is good for you. When you exersize, your brain releases endorphins causeing you to feel happy. Doctors recommend that when you have a headache, instead of taking pills (i.g. Tylenol, advil or other pain medications) you exercise.
However, some people can take exercising out of context. There are cases where people get obsessed with exercising and over exercise. This is bad because overexercising will make you really skinny and unhealthy. The key is to exercise, but not overdo it. Also, you want to drink a lot of water before because you will get dehydrated.
what are the pros and cons of being an architect
There are no real pros or cons; you either are or aren't.
pros- your all powerful and your in control. cons-your asked everything.
some pros of being abstinent is staying away from diseases, infections and rumors. there are no cons to being there is no better way to be than being
booty sweat
yo momma is the pro's and the cons are yo daddy!
The pros and cons of being a neonatal nurse will vary from person to person. You get to do something you love, but you often have to deal with very sick babies.
what were the pros and cons for the nulification
Pros: Cheap!!! don't have to be afraid of falling from the sky ha ha Cons takes a long time to get to places!!! might not fit in to your schedule Sometimes boring
The pros of recess are it is good physical exercise. It will decrease obesity. It releases tension that aids concentration. The cons are that to fit recess in, the school day would have to be longer.
The pros of a construction job is the salary and also being in a union. The cons are the health and safety hazards that occur randomly.
you get all da chix.