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the physical need of a person are food,shelter and clothing.................................................. ..that's all thank you:)

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Q: What are the physical needs of a person?
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Examples of physical needs of a person?

Physical needs of a person include food, water, shelter, and sleep. These are essential for the body to function properly and maintain health and well-being. Adequate nutrition, hydration, rest, and a safe living environment are all important for meeting these physical needs.

How does a person's level of physical activity affect it's energy needs?

cuz it does

What are the physical intellectual emotional and social needs of people with Alzheimer's?

identify physical emotional and social needs of a person

Factors that affect the physical needs of a person?

polution in the water chemicals in our food polution in the air

Meaning of a physical needs?

1. meaning of physical needs?

How can neglect affect someone's development?

Basically, Neglect affects someone's development such that when the needs of that someone is not met, then development is halted or could suffer. Development of a person depends on whether his or her needs are met as a person. It is not only the physical needs and survival needs but also holistic needs including mental, social and emotional needs. When there is neglect, the needs are not met and the person will be deprived thus affects her development.

Who needs physical fitness the most?

Everyone needs physical fitness.

Why is it important to take accounts of the person's spiritual physical and psychological needs?

Taking into account a person's spiritual, physical, and psychological needs is important for providing holistic care that considers all aspects of their well-being. Neglecting any of these areas can lead to incomplete care and hinder the individual's overall health and recovery. A comprehensive approach that addresses these needs can improve the person's quality of life and support their overall well-being.

What kind of dependence is it when a person believes the he or ashe needs a drug in order to feel good or function normally?

A psychological dependence is a person's belief that he or she needs a drug to feel good or to function normally. A physical dependence is a condition where a person has a physical or chemical dependence on the drug.

What are the physical needs of dementia?

Everything else that a regular person without this disease also needs (like food, water, shelter, clothes, and comfort) which includes: - health services - other people to help person around - protection

What is a physical need?

A physical need includes food, water, clothing, and shelter. Physical needs are those needs that are met through physical objects.