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First few people with Waardenburg syndrome have all the physical characteristics.

That being said, the physical characteristics can include brilliantly blue or green eyes, unmatching eyes. Eyes of different colors or one of the eyes with 2 colors.

Medterm heterochromatic iridae two different colored eyes. H. Iridis.

Eyebrows thick, dark, tendency to grow together (unibrower)

Flat nose bridge. Eyes looking somewhat wide apart. (WS1) early greying hair as young as 12. Born with white forelock. Of course the most important sign is being born with varying degrees of deafness either unitaral or bilateral.

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Q: What are the physical characteristics of Waardenburg syndrome?
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Related questions

Who discovered waardenburg syndrome?

Waardenburg syndrome was first described by Dutch ophthalmologist D. J. Waardenburg in 1951. He observed a group of individuals with this genetic condition who shared similar physical characteristics such as distinctive facial features and hearing loss.

How is piebaldism different from Waardenburg syndrome?

Piebaldism and Waardenburg syndrome are both genetic disorders that affect pigmentation. However, piebaldism primarily causes a white forelock or patch of white hair and depigmented skin areas, while Waardenburg syndrome is characterized by wider-ranging symptoms including deafness, changes in skin pigmentation, and abnormalities of the eyes, hair, or face shape. Waardenburg syndrome is generally more variable and can affect multiple systems beyond just pigmentation.

Does Waardenburg syndrome effect specfic populations of people more than others?

Waardenburg syndrome affects people of all ethnicities equally. However, certain features of the syndrome may be more noticeable in individuals with lighter skin and hair due to the contrast in pigmentation.

What illness causes heterochromia?

Glaucoma, Waardenburg syndrome, Neurofibromatosis, or some mild infection infecting one eye.

Is waardenburg syndrome deadly?

I think the only way Waardenburg syndrome would be deadly is indirect. That is if one is deaf because of it If one crosses the street and doesn't the traffic going that would the way WS is deadly. In other words if because of deafness one is less conscience of possible dangers in one's life. The physical symptoms such as different colored eyes, eyebrows that tend to come together, premature gray haii is far from dangerous.

What type of genetic disorder is waardenburg syndrome?

Waardenburg synrome is an autosomal genetic disorder characterized by deafness, confluent brows, early grey hair as young as 12, different colored eyes or unusually brilliant blue eyes. Source US NIH Deafness and other communcation disorders. Its named Waardenburg because it was discovered Prietrus Waardenburg who noticed girls and boys with unmatching eyes tend to deafness. There are four main types.

What are some causes of deafness?

# Meningitis # Prebycusis # Otis Media # Tinnitus # Pematurity # Cytomegaloirus # treacher collinssyndrome # Waardenburg syndrome

What is Waardenburg's population?

The population of Waardenburg is 2,330.

Is waardenburg syndrome caused by a dominant or recessive allele?

Waardenburg syndrome is typically inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, meaning that only one copy of the mutated gene is needed to develop the condition. However, there are rare cases where it can be inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern, requiring two copies of the mutated gene.

What are the key differences between Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome?

Turner syndrome is a genetic condition in females where one of the X chromosomes is partially or completely missing, leading to short stature, infertility, and other physical characteristics. Klinefelter syndrome is a genetic condition in males where there is an extra X chromosome, resulting in infertility, low testosterone levels, and other physical characteristics.

What percentage of cleft lip cases are associated with a genetic syndrome?

Approximately 5% of cleft conditions are associated with a genetic syndrome, including Van der Woude, Opitz, Aarskog, Fryns, Waardenburg, and Coffin-Siris.

When was Petrus Johannes Waardenburg born?

Petrus Johannes Waardenburg was born in 1886.