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Mid-to-late diastole, ventricular systole and early diastole

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S1 and S2, representing the closure of the valves of the atria, and then the ventricles, respectively.

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systole and diastole

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Q: What are the phases of the cardiac cycle?
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Blood pressure rises and falls in a pattern corresponding to the phases of the?

Cardiac Cycle

What is the alternating relaxation and contraction of the heart called?

Diastole is the relaxation phase. Systole is the contraction phase. If you put these phases together you have the Cardiac Cycle...

What are phases of the cardiac cycle that shortens most in response to tachycardia?

The diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle shortens the most in response to tachycardia. This includes the time spent in ventricular filling (diastasis) and atrial contraction (atrial systole), as these phases are compressed to accommodate the faster heart rate.

What is the period of time called between the beginning of one heartbeat and the start of the next?

The period of time between the beginning of one heartbeat and the start of the next is known as the cardiac cycle. It consists of two phases: systole (contraction of the heart muscles) and diastole (relaxation of the heart muscles).

What is one complete heartbeat called?

The cardiac cycle.

What are the four phases of cardiac cycle?

The four phases of the cardiac cycle are diastole, isovolumetric contraction, systole, and isovolumetric relaxation. During diastole, the heart muscles relax and the chambers fill with blood. In isovolumetric contraction, the heart muscles contract but the chambers do not change volume. Systole is when the chambers contract and blood is ejected. Finally, isovolumetric relaxation is when the heart relaxes but the chambers do not change volume.

What is the importance of cardiac cycle?

The importance of cardiac cycle is to sustain human life.

What is two main phases of the cell cycle?

The two main phases of a cell cycle are interphase and mitosis.

What is a complete cycle of a heart contraction and relaxation called?

Cardiac cycle, which is made up of atrial and ventricular systole and diastole.

When do the AV valve close during the cardiac cycle?

AV valves close during the systole phase of the cardiac cycle.

What is a cardiac cycle?

Cardiac cyccle is the term referring to all of the events related to the flow of blood that occur from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next. The frequency of the cardiac cycle is the heart rate.

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