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Q: What are the normal pulse and respirations for a 7 month old infant?
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Is a pulse of 130 normal for a 3 month old infant?

For an infant the acceptable range is 120-160 beats per minute so 130 shouldn't be a cause to worry.

What is a normal pulse for 11 month old?

It is important to know the normal pulse of a child especially if their health is tender. The normal pulse for an 11 month is 130 to 150 beats.

What is the medical term meaning slow dying respirations or pulse?

The medical term for slow dying respirations or pulse is agonal breathing or agonal pulse. These are signs of impending death and indicate that the body is shutting down. It is important to seek medical attention in such situations.

What are the clinical manifestation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation?

no pulse, no respirations

Where is the normal point to take an infant pulse?

Apparently the foot is the main place but am not certain.

What are the normal pulse ratr for a below one year old infant?

The normal pulse rate for an infant tends to be a lot higher than an adult, teenager, or child. The range is usually between 140 -160 beats per minute.

Is this website dead?

Nope! Vitals: Temperature: Normal Heart beat, strong and steady. Pulse: Regular, strong, steady Respirations: Regular, without wheezes.

Why should pulse and respirations be taken together?

If your patient is aware that you are taking respirations, they may breathe faster or slower to change results.

What does the medical abbreviation r mean?

Most commonly, R stands for respirations, as part of the vital signs TPR (temperature, pulse, respirations).

What pulse should you check in infant BLS?

A pulse check is performed on the brachial artery for an infant.

When performing CPR on an infant you should check the pulse in the?

A pulse check is performed on the brachial artery for an infant.

How many respirations per minute is normal for an 8 week old puppy?

normal heart rate is 70-110 resotry is 20 pulse rate is 70