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The muscles of assisted inhalation are the external intercostal muscles, pectoral minor, and scalenes. The main muscle of respiration is the diaphragm.

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Q: What are the muscles involved when you take a deep breath?
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Is not being able to take a deep breath considered shortness of breath?

Not being able to take a deep breath is not always considered shortness of breath. If you are exerting yourself, where you need more air but can't take a deep breath, you would have a shortness of breath.

How do you decrease anger?

Take a deep breath.

What happens when you take a deep breath?

you die

How you feel when you take a deep breath?

good - refreshed

How do you start off singing?

Take a deep breath.

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How can you control your powers?

Take a deep breath then let half of it out.

Why are you still having trouble taking a deep breath 9 weeks after breaking your ribs?

Bone injuries take a very long time to stop hurting, even once the bone is structurally sound. If you can take a deep breath, but it hurts -- that isn't unusual. If you actually can't take a deep breath, you need to discuss this with your doctor.

What will happen to our chest size when we take a deep breath?

Our chest will expand.

How do you say HI when you are nervous?

take a deep breath and just say it

What is a good sentence with the word exhale?

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, preparing to exhale all her worries and stress.

How do you smell purfume?

take a bottle of perfume and put it near your nose , then take a deep breath