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The answer anyone gives to your question will be an assumption. There simply is no way to know the most common unanswered questions in the entire world; the people of each region, each country, will have their own questions and other parts of the world may not identify at all with the problems there.

In general, I assume that most people ask the big questions, like "What's the purpose of our existence?" and "Will my future be better than today?" But to whom do they ask the questions? Their God? Their own conscience? The questions that matter have an answer; unless there's a way to map a path to the answer, the question will remain an abstract, a distant thought, and can cause us to lose sight of those more tangible things in our lives that actually matter.

If you and I were having a conversation about this subject, I would turn the question back to you: what do you think the most common unanswered questions are? Your answer would be as perfect as that of anyone else. And you forgot to say that the biggest question that we have but most of us can't ask about it: "Do you love me?" or "Does he love me?", love is our biggest pain and happiness in the same time which is something i do not understand! (that's another question) "How could love be pain and hippiness in the same time?" Your question about love wasn't forgotten; it just isn't one that I would reference in my answer to the original question. Perhaps for individuals, the question of whether someone loves him/her is a major question but I would not put it into the category of the most common unanswered ones in the world. Most people know if they're loved; if you have to question it, you're not.

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