Drying, antibacterial, cleansing, detoxifying, germicidal, parasiticidal, stimulating, and tonifying.
Sesquiterpene bitters , marrubin, volatile oil, tannins, flavonoids, and mucilage.
Furocoumarins, complex sugars, furanosesquiterpenes, alkaloids, other vitamins, minerals, and compounds, some that have demonstrated anticancer effects.
First discovered by Chinese and Ayurvedic medical traditions.
'Medicinal' means having the properties of medicine
There are no known medicinal properties of princess pine. However, its spores can be explosive in high densities.
The medicinal properties of garlic have been widely researched.
Bitters are a common bar ingredient that is often used in cocktails. Some popular brands of bitters are Angostura Bitters, Fee Brothers Bitters, Peychaud's Bitters and Regan's Bitters.
The leaves, flowers, and seeds of borage have medicinal properties.
No, it has no medicinal properties.