Alcohol abuse can be life threatening in the long run. It causes many defects such as damage to vital parts of your body, like kidney or liver. Also, there is increased risk of getting throat or mouth cancer.
Alcohol can worsen mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. It can also impair judgment, increase impulsivity, and contribute to mood swings. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to long-term mental health issues, including substance abuse disorders.
The effects of alcohol ABUSE can include falling over a lot, being an idiot, massive hangover, plus loads of long term health issues. Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with better health and greater longevity than is abstaining from alcohol.
People don't die from alcohol but from alcohol abuse. Whether directly or indirectly, there are far to many people who have died because of alcohol abuse. But as long as you consume alcohol responsibly it can contribute to better health and longevity. DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE, AS THIS IS HOW A LARGE PERCENTAGE OF THE DEATHS OCCUR
There are many! Liver, pancreas, stomach, esophagus, intestines, brain are all affected negatively by long term alcohol abuse. Cirrhosis of the liver comes after long term abuse. Pancreatitis and esophageal bleeds can occur too. Diabetes is not uncommon in long term alcohol abuse patients. Many who abuse alcohol long term can have withdrawal symptoms that can include the "shakes" or DT's (Delerium Tremens) and seizures. Long term abuse can lead to severe malnutrition and there is a host of consequences from that. When one abuses alcohol long term it can sometimes lead to an unsavory lifestyle which can allow other diseases to manifest like hepatitis and high blood pressure. Don't forget the changes in a persons emotional, mental and spiritual state. But those are not "physical" affects.......
Liver damage and possibly cirrhosis is a result of long term alcohol abuse. Long term alcohol abuse can make the face appear bloated and the skin splotchy.
That depends on the nature of the offense, where uyou live, your age, and a number of other factors. The best advice is not to abuse alcohol or drugs.
There are no long term risks from drinking alcohol in moderation. Indeed, doing so is associated with better health and greater longevity than is abstaining from alcohol. However, the abuse of alcohol, especially over a period of many years, increases the risk of cirrhosis of the liver and, especially in connection with smoking, the risk of throat cancer.
Alcohol interferes with the transfer of information from short term into long term memory.
The long-term effects of drinking alcohol in moderation are better health and longer life expectancy. The long-term effects of abusing alcohol are poorer health and shorter life expectancy.
Some psychological risks of teenage drinking include impaired judgment, increased risk-taking behavior, mood swings, and heightened vulnerability to developing mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety. Additionally, alcohol use during adolescence can negatively impact brain development and lead to long-term cognitive impairments.
Long term alcohol abuse is one possible cause.