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Q: What are the long term effects of living in a technological world?
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High standard of living.

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i can give it its life by nature i can take my long living blessing and long living future

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Loss of bone and muscle density.

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There different long term effects that Islamic Fundamentalism had in most parts of the world. This included governments, education and world view among others.

What are the long term effects of world war 2?

the long TERM effect was the CoLd WaR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are some long-term effects of World War 1?

germany was hated by all of the countries in the world

Unemployment is an inevitable by- product of technological advancement?

Not in the long term if you have a workforce educated in the newer technological advancements.

What are three challanges about living in space?

Three challenges of living in space include dealing with microgravity effects on the human body, managing limited resources like air and water, and confronting the psychological effects of long-term isolation and confinement.

What are some long term effects of wars?

Germany was hated by all of the countries in the world

What were long-term effects of industrization on societes?

A few long term effects of industrialization on the modern world were more jobs and people, a rise in productivity, urbanization, health problems, pollution.

What are the long-term effects of World War 1 tanks?

Some of the long - term effects of the World War 1 tanks were that the future models had to be upgraded to reduce the weaknesses of the earlier tanks. These days, tanks can move faster and have thicker armor.

What is the long living animal in the world?

it is the gaint tortoise which leaves nearly 180 yrs