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Q: What are the long term effects of fertilizers?
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What detrimental effect can the long-term use of pesticides and fertilizers have on soils?

The long-term use of pesticides and fertilizer can leave chemicals in the soil which can have toxic effects on certain crops and can contaminate agricultural workers, livestock and nearby strams.

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No, it also has short-term effects.

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The long term effects of Slavery was: Civil War Racism More Civilization

What are the long term and short term effects?

One Long term affect is social issues

What were the Reformation resulted in long-term effects that include all of the following except?

Ecumenism is not a result of the long term effects of reformation. Religious freedom, religious diversity and separation of church and state were long term effects of reformation.

I broke my ankle will it have long term effects?

If you broke your ankle it may or may not have long term effects. It depends on the kind of break.

What are some long-term effects of shaken baby syndrome?

long term effects can be mental retardation or also can have cerebral palsy

What are some long term effects of shaken baby syndrome?

long term effects can be mental retardation or also can have cerebral palsy

Are there any long term effects of a pelvic fracture?

Yes but these are quite individual to the patient but there are a number of common long term effects.