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A person with a lowered immune system or taking long-term antibiotics is more likely to get an infection. All people who encounter large amounts of dirt are likely to get infected.

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Identify the key factors that it will make it more likely that infection will occur

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Q: What are the key factors that will make it more likely that infection will occur?
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What key factors will make it more likely that infection will occur?

An infection is more likely to occur when a person has a low immunity or is on long term antibiotic therapy. Poor hygiene when treating wounds or dealing with personal care can aid the transmission of infection.

What are the key factors that will make it more likely that infections will occur?

A person with a lowered immune system or taking long-term antibiotics is more likely to get an infection. All people who encounter large amounts of dirt are likely to get infected.

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Leukemia is not an infection. Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects the bone marrow and blood formation. Leukemia can, however, make you more likely to get infections.

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As long you make sure the earring that you're putting in your ear is disinfected to make it less likely that you will get an infection

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You would most likely give it to the HR department. They will know the proper procedures that need to occur in this situation.

There is an infection under my thumbnail it had gunk coming out of it and it kinda hurts if i apply pressure like lighting a lighter what can i do?

If you suspect an infection, it is best to make an appointment with your doctor. Most likely, an infection will not go away without an antibiotic treatment.

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