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Q: What are the interventions for low RBC?
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When a MCH is high and an RBC is low what can cause this?

When a MCH and an RBC and WBC is low, what can cause this"

How do you heal a low of RBC?

green veggies and liver

Is 5.67 red blood count high or low?

RBC 5.67 is little bit high. The normal value of RBC is between 3-5.

How would the process of red blood cell production be affected by constricting the arteries that supply blood to the kidneys?

Constricting the arteries that supply blood to the kidneys can lead to reduced oxygen levels in the kidney tissue. This can trigger the release of erythropoietin, a hormone that stimulates red blood cell production in the bone marrow. Over time, this can increase the production of red blood cells to compensate for the low oxygen levels.

If a horse has a low RBC in his blood work What does this mean?

RBC is red blood cell count, they carry oxygen through the blood stream, could cause anemia.

What is Dysmorphic RBC?

1.small rbc 2.twister rbc 3.bite rbc 4.acanthocyte rbc 5.donat rbc 6.mikey mouse rbc

Are wbc and rbc hgb hct counts low with cancer?

I believe that cancer does make your WBC lower.

What happened if RBC count is low?

If the red blood cell count is low, the patient has anemia. Anemia can cause fatigue by leading to inadequate oxygenation of the tissues.

What does a low RBC count and a high reticulocyte count indicates?

A low RBC count and a high reticulocyte count can indicate that the bone marrow is producing red blood cells at an increased rate to compensate for the low RBC count. This could be seen in conditions like anemia, bleeding, or hemolysis.

Is a rbc of 3.3 with hemoglobin of 12.1 in the danger zone?

im not for sure about the rbc but i can answer on the hemoglobin level. Depending on your age and gender, 12.1 is probably a low normal reading for most people. Still healthy, but not healthy enough to be a blood donor.

Which is essential for formation of RBC?

if we consider the formation of RBCs Erythropoietin, produced by the kidneys, signals RBC formation in the red bone marrow is required. but if we consider the activation of rbc so haemoglobin is essential, in which haemoglobin consiats of single molecule so we can also say for the activation of rbc that:- IRON------>HAEMOGLOBIN------>RBC and RBC are produced as BY KIDNEY------->ERTHROPROTEIN------>RBC

What does RBC means in a hematology test?

RBC stands for red blood cells. It is a common measurement in a hematology test that indicates the number of red blood cells in a given volume of blood. A low RBC count may suggest anemia, while a high count could indicate dehydration or a condition like polycythemia.