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"Pluto Water" was a commercially-marketed mineral water sold in the United States in the early 20th century. Its high concentration of mineral salts (likely including epsom salts/ magnesium sulfate) made it effective as a laxative (as opposed to other unsubstantiated health benefits).

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Does Pluto have water on its surface?

No, Pluto is too far away from the Sun, meaning if therer was ever water on pluto, it would be ice. as far as I know, there isn't any water on Pluto

Where can anyone buy Pluto water?

You can't buy Pluto water anywhere in the world, but you might be able to find Pluto Water bottles in antique stores.

Is there any proof of water on Pluto?

Yes, there is supposed to be droplets and water vapor on Pluto.

Is there water in Pluto?


Does Pluto have lakes?

Pluto has ice on it so there for it is partially water.

Does Pluto have water on it or on its moons?

There is no liquid water on the surface; it is far too cold. Pluto is so cold that even nitrogen freezes. The same goes for its moons.

What forms of water are found on Pluto?

Droplets and small amount of water vapor are found on Pluto's surface.

What is the percipitation on Pluto?

No there is no precipitation on Pluto because the freezing cold temperatures any gases or water would be frozen but maybe long ago there was water on Pluto but it has been frozen as Pluto's surface so Pluto is surface layer is ice

Is Pluto made mostly of water?

Pluto is composed primarily of rock and ice.

How do you get water on Pluto?

its impossible because Pluto is so cold when you get there it would be ice.

Can Pluto float in water?

No, Pluto is a dwarf planet made primarily of rock and ice, so it would not float in water. The density of Pluto is much higher than that of water, so it would sink if it were placed in a body of water.

Does Pluto have cold water?

Pluto's surface temperature is around -375°F, so any water on its surface would likely exist in a frozen state. While some studies suggest that there may be subsurface oceans on Pluto, the extreme cold temperatures on the surface make liquid water unlikely.