

Best Answer

it reduces glycoma



Walking is beneficial in many ways: good, steady physical exercise that does not force the body or jar it as jogging does; it is relaxing mentally; does not require much more equipment than suitable footwear - unless you are going on long walks in remote country or on high hills ; can be meditative, if you walk alone and take in the scenery around you; or sociable if walking with a companion or group.

On being meditative, the composer Ludwig van Beethoven enjoyed walking in the countryside, and though this was relaxation from his work, he carried a notebook and pencil so he could jot down any musical ideas that came to him in the rural peace.

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Q: What are the health benefits of walking?
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The benefits of walking are good health, especially reduced incidence of obesity and its related ailments an illnesses as well as strong cardiovascular health.

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Yes, walking is a form of physical activity that has been shown to provide numerous health benefits, including improved cardiovascular fitness, weight management, and mental well-being. Scientific research supports the benefits of regular walking for overall health and longevity.

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