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It will give you lead poisoning witch can cause blindness so don't put lead in your mouth.

If your cut via a pencil make sure to wash it out properly.


Lead poisoning is more often than not a result of exposure to lead over time. It can cause mental and physical development issues in children. Adults can end up with anemia and other issues. It is said that the cause of the downfall of the Roman Empire was lead poisoning from drinking wine from pewter cups.

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Over the long term, lead poisoning in a child can lead to learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and even mental retardation. At very high levels, lead poisoning can cause seizures, coma, and even death.

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Ink Poisoning is not more dangerous than lead poisoning though they are equally dangerous. They both occur with long exposure to ink or lead. They are generally not fatal but have damaging effects on the body if not dealt with.

Can a mechanical pencil give you lead poisoning?

If the pencil contains graphite lead, it is not toxic and cannot give you lead poisoning. However, if the pencil contains actual lead or other harmful substances, it could pose a risk of lead poisoning if ingested or inhaled in large amounts.

What is the prognosis for people with lead poisoning?

if chronic lead poisoning is caught early, these negative effects can be limited by reducing future exposure to lead and getting proper medical treatment.

Effects of lead poisoning?

Lead poisoning can cause brain damage and even death. We used to put lead in our gasoline and in our paint but have learned about its dangers and stopped those practices.

What are the harmful effects of lead compounds?

harmful affects of lead are that it causes headache ,cancer and in last brain damage

What are the harmful effects of lead?

appetite lossabdominal painconstipationfatiguesleeplessnessirritabilityheadache

Is eating lead from pencil harmful?

Yes, eating lead from a pencil is harmful because lead is a toxic substance that can cause serious health effects when ingested, such as poisoning, stomach issues, and cognitive impairment. It's important to seek medical help immediately if you or someone else accidentally ingests lead from a pencil.

Harmful effects on lead acid batteries?

Mainly, I heard that it is harmful for the batteries if you allow them to discharge completely.

What trace mineral leads to lead poisoning?

Lead poisoning is caused by exposure to lead, a heavy metal rather than a trace mineral. Lead exposure can occur through contaminated water, paint, dust, and soil. Lead poisoning can have serious health effects, especially in children and pregnant women.

Why is lead is no longer used in food containers?

Lead is no longer used in food containers because it can leach into food and cause lead poisoning, which can lead to serious health issues, especially in children. The harmful effects of lead on human health have prompted regulations and bans on its use in food containers to protect public health.