Early times it was for warmth. It also serves to the protect the arm. It is also a sensing mechanism.
pilierector muscle
The age at which one starts puberty.
Well, it's all about how you feel.I have really thick, dark hairs on my arms. I was embarrassed at first but, I bleach it and everything's okay.
static electricity static electricity
yes, yes you can, it is very painful, it happened to my arm, eyebrow and toe
I have had these things when i started having puberty.
Depends on the head. Some people have less, some more. Obviously, the number varies from person to person, but in general the answer is that the human head has about 100,000 strands of hair.The color of hair also makes a difference. People with darker hair have more dense hair than people with lighter hair.
Growing armpit hair is a sign you have already started puberty.
it means that ur cold and ur skin is trying to make u warmer
You are born with hairs on your arms, these darken and grow longer & thicker when you go through puberty. The age of puberty varies from individual to individual, it is usually around 11 - 13 years old
No, and the muscle that controls the movement is the piloerector muscle. See piloerector which are smooth muscle (involuntary)
Rubbing a balloon on hair creates static electricity, which makes individual hairs repel each other due to the like charges present. This causes the hairs to rise and stand on end.