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It does not matter in what field that you are working in it is so very important to have great listening skills. Being honest is also crucial in medicine, as health care providers we may not have all the answers that are sought and I believe that it is perfectly fine to admit that. Hopefully, a good medical provider will try and seek the right answers, but initially being truthful is the best way to gain the respect of the ones that are being cared for. At times medicine can prove to be a trial and error especially with medications and as long as there are no drastic impacts of this it is all right to let the patients know this. Not everything will work for everyone but being on the same team and working together a good plan can and will be formulated.

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Q: What are the good qualities of a healthy individuals?
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What are the good of a healthy individuaL?

There are many great qualities of a healthy individual. Healthy individuals are physically fit, have regular heart beats, and are happy.

What are the good qualities of healthy individual body?

There are many good qualities of healthy individual bodies. These bodies have a healthy blood pressure and heart rate for example.

How important is the good qualities of a healthy individuals?

It's very important. It determines your future medical bills, overall health and quality of life. Health and memories are the most important in this world.

Is organic food expensive?

Organic food is generally more expensive because of its good, healthy qualities.

What is the qualities of a healthy individual?

the qualities are: they are happy they live in a good enviroment with friends and family their optemistic they do not smoke they care about their health so they do some exercising they live their life, they are carefree

Qualities of a healthy individual?

Good respiratory functioning, normal blood pressure and heart rate, normal body mass according to height age and gender, and a healthy mind.

Why is unhealthy food good?

Because many of them are unnatural. Natural foods that taste good are good for you. By processing foods, we destroy the good healthy qualities and enhance the qualities that make them taste good. So we end up with good tasting food that has no nutrition, or even worse, has chemicals that are dangerous to our bodies.

What are good qualities of a teenager?

Good qualities of a teenager include being responsible, respectful, and considerate of others. Teenagers who are open-minded, empathetic, and have good communication skills tend to navigate challenges more successfully and build healthy relationships with peers and adults.

What are the good qualities of good individuals?

This is a very opinionated question and will very from person to person based on their own preferences. But in general, a need to be skeptical, a good scientific background, and a willingness to find the truth(strong sense of curiosity and determination) are all essential qualities to be a good researcher.

What are the good qualities of a good seed?

take a container with water pit seeds in container the seed which sinks is healthy seed and which floats is unhealthy seed which is not for use.

Why is good tasting food unhealthy?

Because many of them are unnatural. Natural foods that taste good are good for you. By processing foods, we destroy the good healthy qualities and enhance the qualities that make them taste good. So we end up with good tasting food that has no nutrition, or even worse, has chemicals that are dangerous to our bodies.

What qualities a person need to be healthy?

To be a healthy person the person should have following qualities:1.self-controlled2.quality of self-esteem3.self-disciplined and motive5.good appetite6.good complexion7.joyfullness8.sound sleep9.general positive from internal from diseases