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There are systems in our body -

Nervous system - includes brain , spinal cord and nerves - receives impulses from every part and gives commands to every part ( messages carried by nerves )

Circulatory system - includes heart , arteries , veins and blood vessels ( main artery is aorta and main vein is superior vena cava ) pumps oxygenated blood to every part and sends deoxygenated blood to lungs.

Respiratory system - includes trachea ( windpipe ) , lungs and alveoli ( air sacs ) . Purify deoxygenated blood , and is responsible for exchange of gases ( carbon dioxide and oxygen ).

Excretory system - includes kidney , urinary bladder , ureters ( pipes which connect kidneys to bladder ), anus and urethera. disposes of waste materials in the form of stool or urine . (( to note - sometimes lungs and skin are also considered since lungs dispose carbon dioxide and and skin disposes extra water and salt in the form of sweat.

Digestive system - includes food pipe , mouth , teeth , salivary glands , stomach , liver , spleen , pancreas , small intestine , large intestine and anus . Responsible for consuming , digesting food and assimilating nutrients .

Immune system - includes red blood cells , white blood cells , plasma , fibrin threads , platelets , lymph vessels and lymph fluid . Responsible for combating harmful and foreign substances and sealing wounds .

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10y ago

my answer is:muscular and skeletal or brain or heart that it function in each system that can move and realize that causes or in organ or parts of the human body will happen in the organism

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