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adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine

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Q: What are the four chemical bases that make the gene's code of instructions?
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What do proteins have to do with genes?

Genes are sections of DNA which contain the code to make different proteins. DNA is made of long chains of 4 different chemical bases, A,C,G and T. The combination of these bases provides the information on the sequence of amino acids that make a particular protein.

How are genes and DNA related?

DNA is desoxyribose nucleic acid. DNA carries the genetic code that determines the characteristics of a living thing. Genes are related to DNA because they are short sections of DNA that code for specific proteins.

One set of instructions for an inherited trait?

They are called alleles.

True or False some genes code for enzymes?

the instructions for making some proteins are not specified by genes

How do the nitrogenous bases (atgc) in DNA make traits such as eye color and hair texture?

The sequence of DNA bases (thymine, cytosine, adenine, and guanine) code for specific traits. The number of and which alleles you have (coded for my the DNA=genes) will determine traits such as eye color.

What is the name of the chemical that carries the code for the traits that are inherited from your parents?

genes?. Not sure. or DNA

The instructions for cell division are found in where?

These instructions are found and located in the Genes that are located within the Dna that resides within the eukaryotic Cellular Nucleus.

Contains chemical instructions for inherited traits?

DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid but also in a sense mRNA; messenger RNA. These are both nucleotides.

Define genes and state the function of genes.?

A Gene is a piece of DNA that provides a set of instructions to a cell to make a certain protein(Textbook def)Genes are segments of the DNA molecule that give instructions for making proteins that help our body function. They are also found in our genetic code.(Notes explanation.

What are segments of DNA that control specific traits?

The sections of DNA that code for proteins that determine traits are called genes.

Why is DNA a code?

By definition, a code is something that is sequenced that represents instructions or a certain message. This sequence of bases, code, is transmitted and allows for the sequence of amino acids in proteins.

How are the instructions coded by DNA translated into physical features?

genes code for all the proteins that the organism makesnoncoding sequences outside the genes provide control switches to enable/disable genes at appropriate times in the organism's lifeother noncoding sequences outside the genes may perform other functions that we do not yet understand