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"Exposure to stressful situations, trauma, and combat will cause a response and resulting change. These responses and changes will all be negative."



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Q: What are the external factors that impact the psychological health of individuals in the military?
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Definition of Motivation?

Motivation is a psychological force that drives individuals to take action, achieve goals, and fulfill needs. It can be influenced by internal factors (such as personal desires and beliefs) and external factors (such as rewards and consequences).

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Both biological and psychological traits can play a role in predisposing individuals to commit crime. Biological factors such as genetics and brain chemistry can influence impulsivity and aggression, while psychological factors such as experiencing trauma or having a lack of empathy can also contribute to criminal behavior. However, it is important to note that criminal behavior is influenced by a combination of factors, including social, environmental, and situational factors.

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The biopsychosocial perspective emphasizes the interactive effects of internal personal factors (biological, psychological, social) and external environmental occurrences on human behavior. This perspective recognizes that behavior is influenced by a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors interacting with each other in complex ways.

What has the author Peter R Prunkl written?

Peter R. Prunkl has written: 'Factors in predicting Army aviator performance' -- subject(s): Birth order, Helicopters, Military Aeronautics, Piloting, Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of Military aeronautics 'Death Week' -- subject(s): Death, Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of Death, Simulation methods, Thanatology

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Behavior is typically motivated by internal factors, such as a person's needs, desires, or beliefs, as well as external factors like social influences or environmental cues. These motivations can drive individuals to act in certain ways to achieve a goal or fulfill a requirement. Ultimately, behavior is a result of a complex interplay between various psychological, biological, and environmental factors.

Definition of psychological distress?

psychological distress The end result of factors-eg, psychogenic pain, internal conflicts, and external stress that prevent a person from self-actualization and connecting with 'significant others'. See Humanistic psychology. from:

What factors influences buyers behaviour 1 Cultural and Social factors 2 Economical and external factors 3 Personal and Psychological factors 4 both 1 and 2 5 both 1?

4 both 1 and 2. Cultural and social factors, as well as economic and external factors, play a significant role in influencing buyers' behavior. These factors include cultural norms, social influences, economic conditions, and external market forces that impact consumers' purchasing decisions.