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Q: What are the examples of lifestyle factors?
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What are some examples of predisposing factors related to lifestyle?

smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol, risky sexual behavior, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and certian psychological stressors

Explain the effects of identified lifestyle factors on long term health and fitness?

The effects of identified lifestyle factors on long term health and fitness is a healthy body .

What factors keeps you healthy?

genetics, lifestyle, environment

What are two factors that affect body composition?

Lifestyle and diet

What are things that affect people's lifestyle?

I think its diet factors.

What are four lifestyle factors that affect your health?

picke pope

Lifestyle factors affecting job roles in the construction sector?

Lifestyle factors affecting job roles in the construction sector may include the physical demands of the job, irregular working hours, exposure to outdoor elements, and the need for mobility and flexibility.

What is The development of a lifestyle disease is more dependent on?

conrtollable factors, such as habits.

Factors that affect healthy lifestyle?

Alcohol, smoking, drugs and behaviour

What are the causes of diabetes mellitus?

Certain infections, lifestyle factors, and genetics.

Why might a person who lead a healthy lifestyle develope a lifestyle disease?

You've obviously have NOT been leading a healthy lifestyle.... there are also other factors like heredity and some environmental factors like living in the mountains at high altitudes, or pollution, the latter is unlikely though.

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