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Q: What are the effects on the body from methanphetamine?
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What are the long term effect of doing heroin and methanphetamine in the same night?

There will be no long term effects so long as you stopped after that night. That is one wicked combo.

Is black ice a drug?

Its crystal methanphetamine.

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Will test positive for Benzodiazepines

Can you die from injecting methanphetamine and Gatorade?

There is always a chance of death when substances are injected regardless of what they are.

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Yes, it increases the effect of the methanphetamine in the adderall

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Two effects of hazardous materials on your body are sickness and death.

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Spun is the past and past participle of "spin".

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Effects of inactivity on the body are adipose tissue to build up among other things

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What is hydrogen iodide used for?

Hydrogen iodide is primarily used in organic synthesis as a reagent for introducing iodine atoms into organic molecules. It can also be used as a reducing agent and in analytical chemistry for detecting the presence of certain compounds. Additionally, it has applications in medical imaging as a contrast agent in nuclear medicine.