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Q: What are the effects of solvent abuse on the body?
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Over a long period of time, chemicals in the solvent can cause permanent damage to your body. Yes it is very dangerous, which is why people say "solvent abuse kills".

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What can happen to the body during solvent abuse?

it could eithier give u heart attact to youth that are doing these inhaling

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Over a long period of time, chemicals in the solvent can cause permanent damage to your body. Yes it is very dangerous, which is why people say "solvent abuse kills".

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Solvent abuse

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What part of the body can experience negative physiological effects from alcohol abuse?

kidneys, skin, and blood

What the abuse of antibiotic can do?

The abuse of antibiotics can have two effects. In the long term it can allow pathogens to become resistant over time. In the short term it can harm your body by removing good bacteria from your body which can have severe adverse effects on your health if done for too long.

What parts of the body that can experience negative physiological effects drom alcohol abuse are?

There are many parts of the body that experience negative physiological effects from alcohol abuse. They include major organs, such as the liver and kidneys. Alcohol can also affect the brain in negative ways.

What are the effects of psychological abuse?

Effects of psychological abuse can be long lasting and devastating. There are many different effects of psychological abuse that include shame, guilt, anxiety, crying, feeling helpless, avoidance of eye contact, and fear. Other effects can include depression, substance abuse, low self-esteem, and withdrawal.

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