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Q: What are the effects of inhaling air dusters?
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What are the effects inhaling isopropyl alcohol?

the effects of inhaling the vapour include:headache,dizziness,depression of the nervous system,nausea and vomiting

How do air dusters work?

Air dusters compress air and make the dust flocculate. The process of flocculation is what makes the amount of dust particles in the air decrease; but infact, it just brings them together, just like H2 and O.

Is is inhaling or exhaling when the air is pulled into the lungs?


How well do air dusters remove allergens?

Air dusters don't quite remove allergens. They are mostly used to blow away dust and allergens off of a surface, like electronics. The allergens are still in the environment. An air filter would work better.

When was The Dusters created?

The Dusters was created in 1986.

When was Binghamton Dusters created?

Binghamton Dusters was created in 1977.

When did Binghamton Dusters end?

Binghamton Dusters ended in 1980.

Which two materials should be used to clean the ram?

Use the air dusters that you use for your key board.

What takes air in to your body?

Breathing. Inhaling oxygenated air through our nostrils.

How you take oxygen from air?

By inhalation or we can say that by inhaling

What is exhaling and inhaling?

Inhaling is the process of taking air into the lungs. Exhaling is the process of releasing air out of the lungs. These actions are part of the respiratory system and are essential for bringing oxygen into the body and removing carbon dioxide.

What is the side effect of inhaling air conditioner refrigerant?

Inhaling air conditioner refrigerant can cause symptoms such as dizziness, headache, nausea, and irritation to the throat and respiratory system. Prolonged exposure or high concentrations can lead to more severe effects like difficulty breathing or loss of consciousness. It is important to seek medical attention if exposed to refrigerant fumes.