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Q: What are the effects of ingesting polystrene?
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Can epimedium cause side effects?

Ingesting an excess amount of the herb can lead to vomiting, dizziness , thirst, and nosebleed.

What are some side effects of ingesting taurine?

Taurine is a popular supplement addeded to many energy drinks. It is essential for the life of a cat. There are virtually no adverse side effects when taking taurine. Taurine is found in the human brain. Ingesting taurine has been shown to increse brain function and to improve the heart.

Can ingesting Bleach have an effect on you if ingested in small amounts over time?

Yes, ingesting bleach does have an effect on the human body. Some of these side effects include rashes on the skin, problems breathing, pain in the mouth, and coughing.

What is expanded polystrene used for?

cushioning, blocking, filling materials; construction or car components;

What are the side effects of ingesting laundry detergent?

Ingesting laundry detergent can lead to serious health effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and potentially life-threatening respiratory issues. Swallowing laundry detergent can also cause chemical burns in the mouth, throat, and stomach. It is important to seek medical help immediately if someone ingests laundry detergent.

Why garden is a system?

A garden is a system because it has inputs (water, sunlight), outputs (food, beautiful garden), and side effects (dying plants, ingesting pesticides from food grown).

Which type of glue you need to use to fix polystrene?

You need polystyrene glue, commonly available in model store or hobby stores.

Whats the web definition for ingesting?

I don't know about the web, but ingesting means eating.

Does smoking help with the pain of cancer?

Smoking what? I can't see how smoking cigarettes would help with pain control, but there is much anecdotal evidence that smoking (or ingesting) marijuana can be helpful with various effects of cancer such as pain, and the side effects of chemotherapy such as nausea and appetite loss.

What are the risks of ingesting too little or too much?

It depends on what it is that you are ingesting. Too much or too little of anything

What can be one result of ingesting the extract of the gingko leaf?

One potential result of ingesting ginkgo leaf extract is improved blood circulation, which may help with conditions such as memory loss, cognitive function, and symptoms of peripheral arterial disease. However, side effects like headaches, digestive issues, and allergic reactions can also occur.