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Q: What are the effects of eating to much lollies?
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What are 6 facts about lollies?

Some facts about lollies... ... Lollies are sweet. They contain high amounts of sugar Eating too many lollies can cause diabetes and a toothache.

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What does lollies do to your body?

if you eat to many lollies from china you can die but other lollies can kill you to.

Harmful effects of too much apple?

There are a number of harmful effects of eating too much apple. The most common negative effects are rise in blood sugar and gaining weight among others.

Is chocolate a lolly?

No i think chocolate is a whole different thing compared to lollies. Lollies are normally soft and chewy chocolate is made out of coco beans which has nothing to do with lollies. Your mum or your dad may think it is but their just trying to stop you eating it.

Why are lollies called lollies?

Because they are, so get used to it.

Effects on the circulatory system of eating too much fatty food?

you will become fat and ugly

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what are the effects of eating more than you need?

Are sour lollies vegetarian?

Most of them aren't actually. So to the person who simple said yes, no. Most lollies contain Geletine which is basically boiled fat & hooves which makes a jelly like substance which is what most jelly lollies are made from, but be careful because often you'll find that even lollies that aren't jelly contain Gelatine. And then their is a food colouring; Artificial colour 120. Which is made from insects, I do consider eating insects wrong too but that is my choice and not all Vegetarians. *And Geletine isn't just in lollies, it can be in everything from ice cream to sauces.

What is the collective noun for lollies?

The collective noun is a packet of lollies.

Are vegetables better then lollies?

If you want to be healthy then vegetables are better then lollies. If it's taste wise your talking about then the lollies are better

What are the side effects of eating hash?

Its pretty much the same effects as if you were to smoke some really good weed. Except for it lasts a bit longer.