There is a right age, and it is about seventeen.
If you become sexualised too young, you won't develop intellectually after that.
If you stay unsexualised too long, you may have trouble kicking free of too much restraint.
Then you can expect to be fertile off and on - if you are sexually active you can count on getting pregnantsooner or later.
A: A sexually active girl can get pregnant from the time she starts ovulating. The age that ovulation starts happening is different in each girl, it can start at anytime during puberty, usually it is between the ages of 11 and 16 but this is only a guide line. Ovulation could occur earlier or later and as soon as the girl in question starts to have sex she is at risk of becoming pregnant.
if you are sexually active no a pap smear or at the very least a trip the the gyn is adviced, if not sexually active you can wait a few yearsAlternate response:Yes, 11 is too young to have a Pap smear, because 11 is too young to be having sexual intercouse. In most jurisdictions such activity with an 11 year old is illegal.If an 11 year old presented to my practice requesting a Pap smear I would be referring the matter to the Department of Community Services (child safety), which I am legally obliged to do.For what it's worth, the National Cervical Screening Program in Australia recommends you have your first Pap smear between 18 and 20 years of age, or two years after you become sexually active, whichever is the later.(i.e if you became sexually active at 15 years of age, your first Pap smear would still not take place until you were at least 18.)
Not necessarily..maybe because of rough sex. Or maybe just because you're not very sexually active. If it happens all the time get checked just to make sure.
Ducklings become fethered at about 6 weeks old, they begin to quack around 4 months old, and females lay eggs at 8 months old (around this time ducks become sexually active).
The male and female sexually mate later on u start to notice ur female cats belly grow then it later on gives birth to kittens
the type of effect on a victim is committing suicide or becoming a bully them self or may crack and try to kill the bully later or now in life and yes if the victim commit suicide yes you can get arrested because bulling is against the law
Take four active pills as soon as possible after the accident, and four active pills twelve hours later.
Yes. Just become reinfected from another vampire later.
If you got soap into the urethra (where you pee from), it could cause burning. If you are sexually active, an infection can cause burning also.
No, John Adams was not a Catholic. He was a Congregationalist, becoming a Unitarian later in life.