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The long term use of dixyclomine hydrochloride and paracetamol can include problems in the kidneys, liver, respitory disorders or worse. Stomach pains and nausea are a good sign that you should stop the medication and call the doctor.

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Q: What are the effect of long term use of Diclomine Hydrocloride and paracetamol?
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I believe the effect will last as long as a paracetamol would last but then half that amount. Take a muscle relaxer once the deed is done to lower the level of you're member.

Is paracetamol suitable for long term use?

Simple answer, NO!! Excessive and daily use of paracetamol can cause (oddly) headaches and in extreme cases can effect vision and lead to swelling behind the eyes. Most noticably around the left eye (as this has the main artery behind it that feeds the brain). Other side effects are nausea, restlessness and in rare case dry skin, most noticable on the hands and feet. Allternate asparin, ibuprofen and paracetamol to be on the safe side.

I am in great pain I already take 10mg ramipril 40mg simvastatin 50mg atenolol 75mg aspiin 80mg furosemide 400mg tramadol a day to help with the pain can i also take paracetamol?

Yes there is no problem in taking paracetamol with this medication, as long as there's no paracetamol/acetaminophen associated with your tramadol.

Can you take diplofenac sodium tablets and paracetamol together?

Yes Diclofenac can be used as an adjuvant treatment with Paracetamol to reduce pain. They can be used together for up to 48 hours, after that it is reccommended that Paracetamol use be discontinued to avoid it building up in your system. For the same reason you also must not exceed one paracetamol tablet in every 4-6 hours and stay within the daily maximum dose of 4g. There are no interactions between the drugs to worry about but confusion can be caused because Diclofenac can be used long term and Paracetamol cannot, and so if someone believed they could take the two together long term, or simply got used to taking the two together by habit, then they would cause a paracetamol overdose.

Can you take Tylenol with codeine and penicillin vk at the same time?

Yes you can take both together. Paracetamol kills the pain and the penicillin kills the infection.

How long does paracetamol and codine stay in the system if you were taking it for more than 5 years?

The detox from long-term codeine addiction can take several days. It is best done under medical supervision. Paracetamol is just acetaminophen, a non-steroidal anti inflammatory drug (NSAID). It leaves the system quickly and has no side effects.

Can you take Sudafed while taking warfarin?

Long-term or regular use of paracetamol may increase the anti-blood-clotting effect of warfarin and other anticoagulant medicines, leading to an increased risk of bleeding. This effect does not occur with occasional pain-killing doses.

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Can you take brufen with paracetamol?

brufen is a anti inflammatory drug, so you don't take it for head aches, you shouldn't take brufen when pregnant because of the effect it has on your blood, it is OK to take paracetamol while pregnant as long as you dont take too many, try other ways to get rid of the headache first though, IE lie in a dark room, put a cold flannel on your forehead, drink plenty water, try and nap etc,

What are the Side effects of drinking paracetamol and coca cola?

It's okay with no sides effects except the long term usual side effects of coke & all similar drinks, & of course the effects of having an overdose of paracetamol, But characteristic side effects for both of them together is not reported yet.

How long should you wait to drink after having a paracetamol overdose?

If you have a normal kidney function, it takes up to 4 hours for half of the ingested paracetamol to exit your system. At this point, it will have lost any noticeable effects on the body, however a small concentration will persist for a longer time.

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Macsun Healthcare sells Aceclofenac-100mg and Paracetamol-325mg, which together are a powerful way to relieve pain. Visit their website to find high-quality painkillers that work quickly and last a long time. You can put your health in the hands of Macsun Healthcare.