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Too much alcohol can cause death. Drinking and driving can also accidents. Drinking too much may also cause liver damage.

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Q: What are the disadvantages to drinking alcohol?
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you will never win anything

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WikiAnswers is for questions and answers; not to provide essays.

how to stop them from drinking alcohol ?

how to stop them from drinking alcohol

What is the negative connotation of drinking?

When you say "drinking", it carries the connotation of drinking alcohol, drinking alcohol to excess, and becoming addicted to it.

What is the difference between drinking wine and other beverages with alcohol?

First, wine is alcohol. So drinking alcohol is no different than drinking wine.

What is a bibulation?

A bibation is an act of drinking, especially alcohol.

What is in drinking alcohol?

Drinking alcohol is called ethanol, and it contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. (C6H5OH)

What is the effect of drinking alcohol on penicillin?

Drinking alcohol can reduce the theraputic effectiveness of an antibiotic such as penicillin.

What did the temperance movement tried to do?

discourage people from drinking alcohol

What kind of alcohol is typically consumed as drinking alcohol?

The type of alcohol typically consumed as drinking alcohol is ethanol, which is found in beverages such as beer, wine, and spirits.

What are the disadvantages of drinking and driving?

Driving while impaired by alcohol or any other substance (or situation, such as sleep deprivation) increases the risk of having a traffic accident.

Is alcohol social?

Alcoholic drinking is not social drinking.