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Boyfriend are always going on about silly things a major disadvantage is: they will make you trust them and love them so much it hurts to breathe when you are not with them. then, they will leave you and break your heart and ruin your entire world and you will spend the rest of your life depressed and lonley. I never found any negative side effects from having boyfriends when I was younger. Some were just great, others needed a boot in the butt so I gave it to them, moved on and didn't miss one of the not so nice guys. I never allowed a man to rule my life to that extent. Oh yes, it hurts, but sitting around and moping isn't going to resolve the issue. I guess it's simply because I'm a realist. On a better note I love men (even as friends) and find them facinating little darlings. As the old saying goes, "You can't live with 'em and you can't live without 'em!"

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βˆ™ 18y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

The disadvantages of being in a relationship are, not having as much time to spend with friends or family as you did when you were single, having to compromise all the time , Needing to communicate EVERYTHING, Arguments with your other can be very frustrating because no two people think exactly the same, lack of productivity because you are too busy day dreaming, having to remember important dates (if you're in long-term relationships), having to skip out on nights out with your single friends who just want to have fun, dealing with drama if your friends or family don't approve of your significant other, having to deal with stress and worrying about what your significant other wants, becoming emotionally attached to someone is nice but can be hard to deal with if you break up with your significant other, you can't flirt with anybody but your boyfriend/girlfriend, Your friends start to only talk to you about your relationship, you can't stop talking about your relationship, the only thing you talk about is your relationship! (WHICH IS ANNOYING) Basically your world starts to revolve around your significant other (meaning you don't really have a life/social life.)

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βˆ™ 11y ago

}lead to suicide

}life pressures

}barrier to their education

}breaks down the relationship between the parents and them

}unable to serve their society and country as responsible citizens

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