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Q: What are the disadvantages of community work?
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What are advantages disadvantages of community work?

Advantages of community work include building social connections, creating positive change in neighborhoods, and fostering a sense of belonging. Disadvantages may include time commitment, challenges in coordinating various stakeholders, and potential burnout from managing community needs.

What are the disadvantages of community development?

A disadvantage of community development is that there will be more traffic. Another disadvantage of community development is noise, more people, and more crime.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of service learning?

The advantages are that you can get donations to fund your charity The disadvantages of a charity are that the details are exposed to the general public. The charity does not work to make a profit.

The disadvantages of community service?

the time it takes to help the community

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What are the disadvantages of community service?

Are you the spawn of satan

What are the advantages and disadvantages of police work?

Advantages: Opportunity to serve and protect the community, varied and challenging work, potential for career advancement. Disadvantages: High level of stress and danger, long and irregular work hours, potential for negative public perception and criticism.

What are some disadvantages of community policing?

Read the chapter dumba$$.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of direct approach in community development?

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of community spirit?

Advantages of community spirit include increased social support, a sense of belonging, and a shared responsibility for collective well-being. However, disadvantages may include groupthink, exclusion of outsiders, and potential for conflict within the community.

What the advantages and disadvantages when a community grow?

Advantages: Having a better school ,having more friends Disadvantages: pollution and more congestion

What advantages and disadvantages when a community grows?

Advantages: Having a better school ,having more friends Disadvantages: pollution and more congestion