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Q: What are the disadvantages of active immunity?
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Is the mothers breastfeeding milk - an active acquired immunity b passive natural immunity C passive acquired immunity D active natural immunity?

D. Active natural immunity. Breastfeeding provides infants with natural antibodies from the mother's milk, which helps to protect the baby through active immunity.

What is active immunity antibodies created by?

Type your answer here... the active immunity antibodies is created by what?

What is passive immunity and active immunity?

active immunity is the immunity that is stimulated internally as a a result of antibodies entering the body. Passive is stimulated by substances from an external source

Why is active immunity referred to as natural immunity?

because it is.

What are two kinds of immunity?

active acquired immunity and passive acquired immunity

Antibody and cell-mediated immunity are considered to be forms of what immunity?

active active B for plato users

What type of immunity does inhaling a virus produce?

Active Immunity

Which type of immunity do you get if you are coming down with the flu?

Active Immunity

What immunity last only a few months?

active immunity

Why is active immunity sometimes referred to as natural immunity?

because it is.

How are different active and passive?

Active immunity is generated by your body. So you get active immunity as a result of infections or due to vaccines. Passive immunity is not generated by your body. Here the antibodies are to be supplied. Child gets the antibodies from mother. Alternately you get the antibodies via injections. The effect of active immunity is long lasting. The effect of passive immunity is short lived. So the active immunity is considered as better. The passive immunity has one advantage. It is available with immediate effect, while it takes about two to three weeks, before the effects of active immunity is available.

Why is active immunity so important?

active immunity makes sure you don't have the virus again for example chicken pox if you have chicken pox once you have active immunity so you cannot get it again.