Yes, This acid is very Corrosive, Reactive, Toxic and Carcinogenic (causing cancer)
Some of the dangers of using the internet are:HackersPedophilesPhishingVirusesMalwareChatroomsIdentity theftInternet gambling addictionPorn/porn addiction
it maybe is dangerous
The dangers of using CompUSA auctions are that it increases the risk of experiencing a loss of an item. That is why it is dangerous to use CompUSA auctions.
acid can burn though wood metal so the acid can burn and burn until it gets down
you might lose your penis
Some dangers of using RyanAir for international flights is the possibility of delays or cancellation. You can read more at www.ryanair.com/en/about
There are a few potential dangers of using diet supplements. One of the bigger dangers is that up to 1 in 4 supplements have ingredients that are not accurate. Another danger is some supplements have been found to have contaminants.
absouloutely nothing its all good
Mainly, inevitable death.